SoGEA - Goodbye phoneline, Hello Broadband

What is SoGEA?

Single Order Generic Ethernet Access (SoGEA) is a new Openreach product which enables providers to order FTTC products without a phone line. Other Single Order Transitional Access Product (SOTAP) products are available for ADSL2+ (SoADSL) and G.Fast (SoGFAST) product variants.

Homes and businesses currently connect to Openreach’s infrastructure using WLR (Wholesale Line Rental) and then add broadband as an additional service on top. Most ISPs will bundle these together as packages by default but you can pick and choose if you please.

Traditional analogue voice calls are being phased out from the Openreach network in favor of All-IP and VoIP services, this means that there is no need to offer and maintain separate analogue WLR lines which should reduce costs and improve service. Customers will be able to use VoIP providers such as VoiceHost and easily move and swap services.

Single Order Products are provided without voice and you may need a master socket upgrade

What are the benefits of SoGEA?

SoGEA won’t make a big difference to the overall price of broadband, it has the potential to be the most disruptive change in the telecoms industry since the introduction of affordable, high-speed FTTC services.

SoGEA is 50% quicker to install and comes with lower install and rental costs. You’ll also only have one order to manage, so you can deliver much more efficiently to your customers. - Openreach

SoGEA doesn’t offer any access to the voice network, so it’s important to remember if your want a voice service you’ll need to use a VoIP provider like VoiceHost.

SoGEA is currently in the Early Market Deployment phase–the final stage before full commercial launch with >130,000 SoGEA services live, up to 15,000 orders per week and at 95% on time delivery.

How do I get SoGEA?

SoGEA products are only available in a limited number of telephone exchanges,  Salisbury (Wiltshire) and Mildenhall (Suffolk) but as the roll-out progresses other areas will be covered. Please use our broadband checker or contact us for updates.

Further Reading

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Simon has been with VoiceHost for 10+ years and his management duties include company and network operations, regulatory affairs, compliance, research and data analysis.