Ofcom - Right to Port

Ofcom - Right to Port

Ofcom's Right to Portability came into force last month via General Condition C7.6(b)

Right to Port is an End User right to submit a port request for a number(s) that are ceased no more than 31 days ago. 

Numbers removed from accounts have always been quarantined which effectively prevents re-allocation of the number(s) to another party for 31 days.

Please note that our teams will no longer move numbers between accounts due to direct conflict with 'Right to Port'. Intra-account number moves will require number(s) to be ceased and the re-allocated after the quarantine period has expired. This doesn't affect on-net ports where a valid NPOR and LOA is provided.

Its worth remembering that ports cannot be rejected for general business reasons such as a debt and that subscriber with the right to port is only the end-user that consumes its service.

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Simon has been with VoiceHost for 10+ years and his management duties include company and network operations, regulatory affairs, compliance, research and data analysis.